Dog Brothers Real Contact Stick Fighting (nonprofit)
No judges, no referees, no trophies, no winners and no losers. No suing no-one, no way, no how.
One rule only: Be friends at the end of the day.
Nobody should spend the night in the hospital. Everyone should go home with the IQ they came with.
The greater the dichotomy, the profounder the transformation. Higher consciousness through harder contact.
Dog Brothers Martial Art (DBMA) & Real Contant Stick Fighting (RCSF)
DBMA / RCSF is modern hybrid martial art that has its origins in the late 80s in California.
The purpose of the art is try what armed combat is, when done honestly, with minimal protection, with maximum force and somehow safely. In DBMA the fight itself, exceeding your own limits and growing up together is more important that traditional winning or losing.
What we do
Dog Brothers Stick Fighting Helsinki is a stick and blade fighting community with a heavy emphasis on realistic one-on-one dueling. In stick fighting we are following the Dog Brothers, DBMA, Real contact stick fighting and Benjamin ”Lonely Dog” Rittiner method.
In blade we do mix of Filippino Kali, Thai Krabi Krabong and European Historical Martial Arts. Weapon grappling and MMA is an integrated part of our stick and blade fighting.
Simply: MMA with sticks and blades is what we do.
Training starts with the basics. For the first six months, we learn coordination and body mechanics, get to know the weapon, do light sparring and play fighting games.
In the beginning, training is mainly focused on basic exercises of one stick and freestyle. The focus is on defense, movement and distance control.
Once the defensive skills have been learned, the focus shifts to attacking and learning fighting tactics. Training in our group is methodical and safe, we follow the curriculums and safety guidelines of the leading organizations. Our trainers are experienced PTTA and DBMA certified (semi)professionals.
Training gear
In the beginning, you need only indoor training clothes and shoes and can borrow the rattan stick, (fencing) mask and gloves from the club.
Your own groin guard (cup) and mouth guard are good to have, especially the former one.
Training times and places
Summer season 1.5 – 31.8 at Palkkatilankatu 8C / Taloustirehtöörinpuisto
Winter season 1.9- 30.4 at Koskelantie 9, Käpylä & Töölö Sports Hall, Paavo Nurmen kuja 1c
tue 17-18:30
thu 18-19:30 (Töölö Sports Hall)
sun 12-14
Training fees
One day on-ramp 4h, includes first month training 99€
Monthly fee 60€
Season fee 6 months 300€ (spring/fall)
Annual fee 12 months 500€
Students, senior citizens, unemployed and Ukrainians –50%
Bank account: FI40 4405 0010 4641 16 (Kali Mundo ry)
Kristo: 050 351 7885 / k.aaltonen [at]